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Pacific islanders are faced with issues that have never before confronted us, from the impacts of climate change to that of globalisation. The new Pacific is being shaped by a generation of young leaders who are unafraid to express themselves and carve out a niche for the future.

20 06, 2019

Empowered, Included and Equal: Believe in Better

2019-06-20T16:07:10+12:00June 20th, 2019|Categories: Large Ocean States, News from Micronesia, Pacific Identities, Pacific Resilience|Tags: , , , , , , |

Yolanda Joab-Mori of the Federated States of Micronesia delivered a keynote address at the UN Economic and Social Council Youth Forum on 8 April 2019 in New York. Empowered. Included and Equal. It can be hard To relate to these words Words that are big and that are worthy of the pursuit to speak

9 06, 2019

Nuclear Testing and Racism in the Pacific Islands

2019-10-09T09:13:44+12:00June 9th, 2019|Categories: Large Ocean States, Pacific Identities, Pacific Resilience|Tags: , , , , |

By Nic Maclellan During the Cold War, between 1946 and 1996, the United States, United Kingdom, and France used Oceania as a laboratory for nuclear testing. The deserts and islands of Australia and the Pacific were perceived as vast, “empty” spaces, suitable for the testing of atomic bombs and thermonuclear weapons. More than

31 05, 2019

What are the policy underpinnings of ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’?

2019-05-31T10:50:01+12:00May 31st, 2019|Categories: Large Ocean States, News from Pacific Regional NGO (PRNGO) Alliance, Pacific Civil Society, Pacific Identities, PANG, Pasifika Rising News|Tags: , , |

Opinion by Maureen Penjueli, the coordinator of the Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG), presented at the Pacific Women Regional Learning Forum on Women’s Economic Empowerment on 30 May 2019. As part of PANG’s critique of economic rational, we are interested in origins of key policy drivers, frameworks, ideologies for Women’s Economic Empowerment to

23 05, 2019

Pacific feminists commit to action plan for change

2019-05-23T10:37:48+12:00May 23rd, 2019|Categories: Pacific Civil Society, Pacific Identities|Tags: , , |

Pacific feminists celebrated and reaffirmed their commitment towards sustaining solidarity, strengthening resistance and revolution for gender equality, human rights and justice at the closing of the 2nd Pacific Feminist Forum (PFF). Over 150 women human rights defenders and grassroots activists from across the region convened for the 2nd PFF, which was held from

20 05, 2019

Building solidarity aim of 2nd Pacific Feminist Forum

2019-05-23T10:40:12+12:00May 20th, 2019|Categories: Pacific Civil Society, Pacific Identities|Tags: , , |

Women's human rights in the Pacific and globally are under threat and now more than ever, women human rights defenders and activists need to build solidarity, strengthen resistance and lead the revolution against all forms of discrimination and injustices that hinder progress towards gender equality. This was the rallying cry of over 150

19 05, 2019

Who asked her? Talking about feminism in PNG

2019-05-23T10:56:54+12:00May 19th, 2019|Categories: News from Melanesia, Pacific Civil Society, Pacific Identities|Tags: , , , , |

Who asked her is a podcast created by Papua New Guinea lawyer Elvina Ogil. Ogil says the podcast is designed to start a conversation about the feminism in Papua New Guinea. “[The podcast] is about broadening our view of Papua New Guinean women at home because we have this narrow concept of ‘You’re not

10 05, 2019

The Peace Corner Podcast – Fiji’s Sharon Bhagwan Rolls

2019-10-09T09:21:31+12:00May 10th, 2019|Categories: Pacific Civil Society, Pacific Identities, Pacific Resilience|Tags: , , , |

The Peace Corner podcast interviews Fiji’s Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, a long-time feminist activist working in the field of Women, Peace and Security. From military coups in Fiji, Sharon talks about her long career striving for more inclusive and peaceful societies; especially urging against the ghettoisation of women in peacebuilding!

10 03, 2019

Speaking back: Challenging linguistic microaggressions in New Caledonia through street art

2019-04-04T17:28:04+12:00March 10th, 2019|Categories: Featured, Pacific Identities|Tags: , , , |

Project by Associate professors, Dr Elatiana Razafi & Dr Fabrice Wacalie with the University of New Caledonia Blog with Dr Sylvia Frain, The Everyday Peace Initiative The Pacific is diverse with over 1000 Austronesian languages, 750 Papuan languages and 9 variations of pidgin. From a sociolinguistic point of view, ‘pidgins’, ‘dialects’ and ‘creoles’, are

1 03, 2019

PIANGO: Ensure disability inclusion and ownership in humanitarian responses

2019-04-04T10:34:19+12:00March 1st, 2019|Categories: Featured, News from Pacific Regional NGO (PRNGO) Alliance, Pacific Civil Society, Pacific Identities, Pacific Resilience, Pasifika Rising News|Tags: , , , , , |

There is a need to build meaningful relationships and create enabling spaces that gain the trust of people living with disabilities. Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisation (PIANGO) Research and Policy Officer Josaia Osborne in his presentation at the 6th Pacific Regional Conference on Disability (Conference programme | Word doc) in Nadi, Fiji said a

27 02, 2019

The role of faith communities as agents of social change in ending violence against women

2019-02-27T15:52:29+12:00February 27th, 2019|Categories: News from Pacific Regional NGO (PRNGO) Alliance, Pacific Identities, Pacific Resilience, Pasifika Rising News|Tags: , , , , , |

The General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC),  Reverend JAMES BHAGWAN delivered a message from the Christian faith perspective on ending violence against women, at the high-level launch of the European Union and United Nations Spotlight Initiative in Apia, Samoa on 26 February 2019. Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen: This is not a

13 12, 2018

‘Poor humanitarian coordination causes more harm than good for women’

2018-12-13T12:32:08+13:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Pacific Civil Society, Pacific Identities, Pasifika Rising News|Tags: , , , , |

The competition for space by donors, intergovernmental agencies and international NGOs in Pacific countries in the aftermath of disasters causes more harm than good, a major regional meeting on ending violence against women has heard. Poor coordination and a failure to connect with local groups already working on the ground often lead to a

13 12, 2018

‘Home-grown initiatives to end violence against women show better results’

2018-12-13T12:30:10+13:00December 13th, 2018|Categories: Pacific Identities, Pasifika Rising News|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Home-grown initiatives in the Pacific to address violence against women and girls have better chances of succeeding and bringing about change, than overseas-designed programs that are implemented with good intentions but in the wrong context. This was a theme of discussions at the eighth meeting of the Pacific Women’s Network Against Violence Against Women

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