- Expressions of Interest will close on: 7 July 2022 at 5PM PNG Time [GMT+10]
- Location of role: preferably to be based in PNG OR Flexible within the Region
- Term: 30 days (July – August)
- Reporting to: Project Manager Spotlight
- Terms of Reference is available for download
- Please contact Recruitment Co-Ordinator Divono Vakatale for any questions: [email protected]
All applications must be lodged online only via this BambooHR platform: https://oxfampacific.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=179
Shaping a stronger Oxfam for people living in poverty.
Job Purpose
Responsible for developing, implementing and coordinating systems to gather evidence on the impact of programs implemented and supported by Oxfam in the Pacific (OiP). Responsible for fostering a culture of evidence-based learning within OiP. This includes working with regional and country-based teams to integrate evidence and learning processes across OiP’s work and in line with the Regional Strategy and values; and implementing Oxfam’s impact framework and monitoring, evaluation and learning standards for programs in the Pacific. This position also has responsibility for the Program Quality, Monitoring and Evaluation community of practice located across Oxfam’s programs and offices in the Pacific.
Oxfam is an international development organisation with a vision of a just world without poverty. We believe a fairer world is possible in which people will have control over their lives and livelihoods, their voices are heard, and their rights upheld. We work directly with communities, in most cases through local partner organisations and seek to influence policy makers on issues which have a direct bearing on people’s lives. We strive to achieve our mission through long term development programs, humanitarian response, campaigns, policy research and advocacy.
Oxfam in the Pacific (OiP) works directly or through partners in Papua New Guinea (PNG), Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Tonga and Samoa. Our work is guided by the commitment for inclusive and transparent governance for a 1.5°C world, which recognises the significance of every community member of the Pacific having control over their lives, resources, and oceans in order to limit carbon emissions to 1.5° C. OiP’s work focuses on Climate Justice, Economic Justice and Gender & Citizen Justice and Humanitarian Action.
The Spotlight Initiative Project sits within OiP’s Gender and Citizen Justice (GCJ) pillar and aims to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. The project is part of the global Spotlight initiative of the United Nations, funded by the European Union. The project contributes to the Spotlight Initiative pillar of Women’s Movements.
Phase I of the project focuses on supporting the establishment of a capacity building hub delivering capacity strengthening initiatives to up to 15 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) located across PNG working in the violence against women and girls’ prevention and service delivery spaces. The capacity building hub implements activities focused on supporting organisations to address their institutional needs and deepen their institutional strengths. It offers a technical focus to its repertoire of learning initiatives in the areas of advocacy, transformative leadership and feminist programming approaches.
By delivering institutional strengthening, technical competencies strengthening including transformative leadership initiatives amongst CSO hub partners, the project facilitates delivery of stronger programming to better address and respond to intimate partner violence.
Evaluation Objectives
The objectives of this evaluation are to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and social inclusion elements of Phase 1 of the project. Further details are available below and the Terms of Reference.
This will include:
- Assessing the project successes against these aforementioned elements and identifying the enabling factors behind the successes. This will also include exploring the extent to which the project outputs and outcomes have been met and;
- Assessing the project challenges against the aforementioned elements and identifying the inhibiting factors behind the challenges;
- Identify key learnings and recommendations to inform the design and focus for Phase II initiatives;
- Inform Oxfam of the merits and challenges of the project’s capacity strengthening partner hub model in relation to Oxfam’s Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Framework and partnership approach;
The primary audience of this evaluation are Oxfam in the Pacific – PNG GCJ team, Oxfam Australia, Spotlight project hub partners and the project funding partner UN Women and the back donor, European Union.
Key questions of the evaluation
- Was the project implemented in the way it was intended and the hub participants reached as intended?
- To what extent was the project adapted to the challenging and evolving context and in response to feedback
- To what extent did the project uphold participatory approaches and meaningfully engage partners perspectives
- How well did the project work?
- To what extent were the outputs and targets met?
- To what extent did the project produce or contribute to changes and to the intended outcomes? For whom and in what ways and circumstances?
- To what extent were the hub partners satisfied?
- What, if any, unintended outcomes positive and negative have you observed? For whom and in what ways and circumstances?
- To what extent were hub partners able to access capacity strengthening initiatives and implement learnings in their programming?
- To what extent was the implementation model participatory ensuring continuation of the project and sustaining the achievements of phase 1?
- Is there a conceptual framework for sustaining the hub model
- Evaluation scope and methodology
The evaluation is an outcome evaluation. It is committed to a participatory, feminist and do no harm approach.
The evaluation will capture information about the outcomes of the project activities, positive and negative, intended and unintended, direct and indirect, and will establish what has been the cause of any observed changes.
The evaluation will capture and present diverse and reliable primary and secondary data analysis using qualitative and quantitative methods.
Primary data will come from a representative sample of project participants, and staff and stakeholder accounts assessing project outcomes.
Participatory strategies engaging the aforementioned participants will be via key informant interviews (KIIs), stakeholder consultations, participant storytelling and focus group discussions (FGDs) where safe and possible.
Secondary data will include analysis of key project background and design documents, quarterly and end of project reports, project activity reports, and baseline and monitoring reports.
Triangulation of primary and secondary data analysis involving these different data sources will produce deeper analysis and understanding of the findings and importantly verify and assess consistency of findings.
Upon completion of all data analysis a sense checking step with project stakeholders will be conducted to validate analysis and develop findings and recommendations.
The evaluation will apply a feminist lens by:
- consciously applying power-sensitive methods and approaches to collecting data, aware of the power differences between the evaluator and participants;
- seeking inputs from diverse project participants and stakeholders which not only means targeting equal number of women and men participants, but seeking input from participants holding varying levels of power and responsibility inside their organisations, seeking input from diverse age groups, diverse sexuality, gender identity, class, ability, social, religious and cultural standing; and
- drawing out individual and collective knowledge among project participants, implementers and stakeholders.
As a result of the evaluation taking place during a global pandemic and PNGs national elections, travel will be significantly limited. This will likely see primary data collection limited to virtual ICT platforms such as Zoom, WhatsApp and Teams.
Schedule, budget, logistics and deliverables
Lead a participatory, feminist, do no harm outcome evaluation covering the following steps:
- Complete an inception report outlining the consultants understanding of the ToR and its timeframe, and finalisation of the evaluation tools intended to be used including content of surveys and interview questions guided by the key evaluation questions outlined in this ToR
- Undertake data collections which includes desk-based analysis of relevant program reports, databases and other documentation, plus KII, FGDs, and stakeholder consultations
- Complete data analysis and draft into an evaluation report
- Liaise with Oxfam Spotlight team to coordinate a virtual sensemaking workshop over zoom with key stakeholders to validate draft findings and recommendations
- Update draft evaluation report and submit for feedback from Oxfam and UN Women
- Complete and submit final draft of the Evaluation Report, integrating feedback from Oxfam and UN Women
Please refer to the Terms of Reference for the proposed timeline. It is anticipated that the proposed deliverables will be provided with a maximum engagement of up to 30 days. Timeframes can be negotiated based on consultant availability however, the report due date remains preferably in August 2022.
Skills and Experience Required
- Qualifications and demonstrated experience in delivering MEL (Monitoring Evaluation and Learning) products in PNG and/or the Pacific context
- Experience in gender programming, design and implementation in PNG and/or the Pacific
- Demonstrated knowledge and experience in applying a gender/feminist anlaysis to MEL frameworks and methodologies in the Pacific context
- Excellent oral communication skills and the ability to deliver high quality written reports in English
- PNG Pijin language skills
- Familiarity with GBV programming and MEL of GBV programs in PNG and/or the Pacific context
- Relevant post-graduate qualifications
Management Arrangements
The consultant will report to the Gender Justice Program Manager PNG, Oxfam in the Pacific. Beyond formal management arrangements, it is expected the consultant will engage the participation of Oxfam’s Gender Justice Program Manager PNG and Spotlight Program Manager PNG in the evaluation design and planning process.
Payment conditions
It is anticipated the consultant will be paid in four tranches and as per the conditions outlined in the Terms of Reference.
Application details and process
Submission of an expression of interest that includes:
A brief narrative presenting your suitability for this assignment
- An up to date CV
- A sample of a MEL product you have completed
- A budget proposal including your daily fee in AUD and/or PGK*
*Note, travel to PNG is not possible as a result of the COVID pandemic. If you reside within PNG some travel may be possible however, is subject to Oxfam sign off on a COVID risk analysis submission.
Only applications including all items mentioned above will be considered.
Start date as soon as possible in July 2022 and evaluation to be completed August 2022.