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The Pacific Feminist Forum is a platform for fostering diversity, connection and intergenerational leadership within feminist movements in Pacific Island countries and across our region. It will celebrate the previous generations of Pacific feminists and the paths they have forged so new waves of activism can flourish.

With the theme, “Sustaining Solidarity, Resistance and Revolution,” the event is expected to bring together over 100 women human rights defenders from across the Pacific region.

The firstl PFF in 2016 brought together over 100 women human rights defenders from 16 Pacific island countries. They created the Pacific Feminist Charter for Change 2016 (PFF Charter), a living document that enshrined the collective principles and work of Pacific feminists.

The PFF working group consists of representatives from Tongan Leitis Association, Diverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality Fiji, the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, FemLINK Pacific and Rise Up.


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