Oxfam in the Pacific’s vision is for Pacific Island boys and girls and women and men -specifically those who are poor, marginalised, vulnerable or excluded – to have agency to freely realise their rights and contribute to positive changes in their lives and communities.
We celebrate our diverse Pacific identities and stand in solidarity with local Pacific actors and allies to increase the impact in fighting poverty and injustice by influencing key decision makers across the Pacific and beyond to change power relationships, behaviours and beliefs. We do this through research, policy analysis, technical support and strategic partnerships across all levels of society and our Worldwide Influencing Network.
Climate change is central to everything Oxfam does in our region. We understand the ruthless inequality of climate change: poor communities are five times more likely to be displaced by extreme weather than rich ones. Sea-level rise is threatening our very way of life and if we are to limit global warming to 1.5°C, concerted, bold, global action is required. We do not have the luxury of time.
Oxfam’s programming is focussed on three thematic areas with country footprints:
- Resilience (encompassing Climate Change Adaption/Disaster Risk Reduction and humanitarian),
- Gender Equality & Social Inclusion
- Oceans: custodianship and the blue economy
To learn more about Oxfam’s work in the Pacific visit us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/oxfampacific/