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Samoa Umbrella of NGOs

22 08, 2018

Prime Minister of Samoa speaking on the Blue Pacific at Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat – August 2018

2018-10-01T12:16:34+12:00August 22nd, 2018|Categories: Large Ocean States, News from Polynesia, Pacific Civil Society, Pasifika Rising News, SUNGO|Tags: |

As Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, #Samoa has spoken a lot about the the #BluePacific. Last year's Communique from Forum Leaders says the #BluePacific is about Pacific people. Populations across our ocean of islands, who recognise their needs and potential, who plan and own their future, and

20 06, 2018

Vacancy – Chief Executive Officer – SUNGO

2018-10-01T12:16:36+12:00June 20th, 2018|Categories: News from Polynesia, Pasifika Rising News, SUNGO|

SUNGO is seeking to appoint a new Chief Executive Officer to lead the development of the organisation and manage operations under the guidance of the Executive Council of SUNGO. The key responsibilities of this role include;: Ensuring that SUNGO achieves its strategic goals Maintain the integrity and reputation of SUNGO in the community Ensure

12 07, 2016

USAID and PACAM awarded a new grant to SUNGO to reduce the vulnerabilities of communities to climate change impacts

2018-10-01T12:16:39+12:00July 12th, 2016|Categories: News from Polynesia, Pasifika Rising News, SUNGO|Tags: |

The U.S. Agency for International Development’s (U.S.AID) Pacific-American Climate Fund (P.A.C.A.M) awarded a new grant to the Samoa Umbrella for Non-Governmental Organizations (S.U.N.G.O) to reduce the vulnerabilities of communities to climate change impacts.

12 02, 2009

Dr. Malofou from SUNGO in Samoa expresses thoughts during CSO workshop in 2009

2018-10-01T12:16:40+12:00February 12th, 2009|Categories: News from Polynesia, Pasifika Rising News, SUNGO|

Dr. Malofou Nuualofa Potoi from SUNGO in Samoa expresses her thoughts and wishes on the upcoming implementation process in her country. The CIVICUS Civil Society Index (CSI) programme conducted their 6th training workshop on 10-12 February 2009 with partners from Asia Pacific. The partners were trained in the new methodology, and are

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