PN: Priority will be given to Tongans
We are excited to announce that the Core CVA Skills for Programme staff Training will be organized by Oxfam in the Pacific in the Pacific in collaboration with the Pacific Regional Cash Working Group #PRCWG and World Food Programme MCO Pacific, in Tongatapu, from 22-25 May 2023. This intensive five-day training will follow the globally recognized CALP Network content, and following the successful completion, the participants will receive the CALP Network certification. This training is part of Oxfam and the Civil Society Forum of Tonga’s initiative to strengthen civil society capacity in Tonga and is being funded by the DFAT Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Activation.
About the Course: Cash assistance is gaining momentum across the Pacific, allowing for Governments and organizations to assist communities in a flexible, dignified and cost-effective manner while promoting local economic development. This course is structured around the project cycle and covers all the key skills required to design, implement, and monitor Cash and Voucher Assistance initiatives.
Course Aim: To support participants to be able integrate CVA into the design, implementation and monitoring of humanitarian programming.
Objectives: by completing this course participants from Tonga will be able to
- Discuss the opportunities and challenges to delivering high quality CVA as part of humanitarian response.
- Use various assessments, including market assessment tools, to inform CVA appropriateness.
- Analyse assessment data to choose modality, delivery mechanism and transfer value.
- Ensure accountability towards affected populations during the CVA design and implementation process.
- Incorporate CVA and markets in monitoring frameworks.
- Identify best practices for CVA quality and sustainability.
- Navigate the existing tools, guidance, cases studies and research documents to find the most relevant and up-to-date information on CVA-related themes.
Who is this course for?
This course is for programme staff
Training Fees: This in-person course will be offered for FREE of cost to the attendees. Training materials, snacks and lunch will be provided during the training dates (22-26 May 2022)
Location: Tonga
Training Timing: The course will be from 0830 to 1700 hours from Monday 22 May to Friday 26 March 2022.
Prerequisites to attend the course: in order to participate in the training do two online courses
Cash and Voucher Assistance – The Fundamentals (4 Hours)
Introduction to Market Analysis (1 hour)
Focal Points:
Rahul Mitra – Humanitarian Lead for Oxfam in the Pacific – [email protected]
ALI MANSOUR – Pacific Regional Cash Working Group – [email protected]